First Step: Make sure you have these two programs installed.
1. WinRAR
2. CDrWin
OK. I'll use Crazi Taxi as the example here, since it is one of the few
games that uses .bin and .cue files. (more on them later)
There are 4 RAR files in the CrazyTaxi archive. They are:
Put these files in a Folder together. Open WinRAR. In the dialog box
enter the directory path where the 4 files are located. Select kal-taxi.001
by clicking on it once. Then go up to the -=Extract To=- icon and click it.
Specify a Destination path. Click OK
This will extract Two files into the destination path. They are:
Now close WinRaR
Open CDrWin.
You will have a menu that looks like this
* Click * * * * * *
* Here * * * * * ********** *
* * * * * * * * *
********************************************** * * *
* * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * ********** *
* * * * * * *
Click the upper left corner box that has a picture of a CD
This is the RecordDisc Menu
Click Load Cue Sheet
and specify the KAL-TAXI.BIN
It will say "Compiling Cue Sheet Please Wait..."
after it finishes click on "Start Recording" and
kick back until it Finishes.
which is usually the case with .bin disc burns.
and when the ReignDeer screen comes up POP in the Crazy Taxi Disk you just Burned
HOW TO BURN A CD IMAGE (.bin or .iso)
Steps in maintaining a properly burned, error free version of a piece of pirate software.
1.) Leech the original rars (this is the only standard in releasing under compression).
2.) Open the xxxx.sfv file and make sure it is formatted correctly so that your appropriate cyclic redundancy checker can read it (win-sfv32.exe or pdsfv, which both are available in the files section of (misc -> files)).
Here's an example of a BAD SFV to use with win-sfv32.exe (however it works on Microsoft, Linux server systems and hoopy's pd-sfv (; use gltpad hoopy iso toolkit or comparable checker)
; Generated by HoopySFV
filename.r00 C46D96FF
filename.r01 1C03CA69
filename.rar 12550B24
Here's one that is GOOD to use with win-sfv32.exe
; Generated by SFV32 v1.0a
filename.r00 C46D96FF
filename.r01 1C03CA69
filename.rar 12550B24
; Generated by WIN-SFV32 v1.1a on 1999-09-27 at 04:55.56
filename.r00 C46D96FF
filename.r01 1C03CA69
filename.rar 12550B24
*notice the semicolon indicating that this line is NOT part of the CRC checksum. The numbers/letters following filenames is the CRC code. DO NOT touch this, otherwise all your disks will be falsely interpreted as bad.*
3.) Open win-sfv32.exe, commonly referred to as WinSFV and browse through the explorer like interface and find the directory that you downloaded the original disks/rars from.
4.) Double click that directory or click the NEXT button while that directory is highlighted.
5.) Under the ACTION box, make sure the VERIFY FILES button is selected. Ignore all other options, as they are unnecessary in verifying the integrity of your disks/rars. Then click NEXT.
6.) This process will take approximately 3-5 minutes on an IDE harddrive and 1-3 minutes on a nice SCSI harddrive. Upon completion, files that are tested OK and have their CRC check comply will be highlighted in green, those that fail or are bad/corrupted will be in red. These disks are damaged, must be re-leeched, and TOTALLY irreparable.
7.) Assuming that all your disks are in good shape and you have all the disks (read the nfo or .sfv file to see what the file names of the disks are and how many there are) begin to decompress the files by selecting the xxx.rar or xxx.001 file to begin extracting from. Open up a window of winrar and guide its explorer-like view to find the dir and double click the xxx.rar or xxx.001 file. From there you can extract the file using winrar or suitable extraction/decompressing program. This process is lengthy; go do something else for about 10 minutes other than staring at your monitor and absorbing harmful UV radiation ;). CiFE and FLT have been known to use .001 disks instead of .rars. 15,000,000 bytes is the most common size of a disk, whereas 20,000,000 are less common but often found in many PSX releases.
8.) Once fully extracted you will a.) have a .bin and .cue sheet or b.) end up with a piece of shit called a .iso file; something you don't want due to no coding for ecc data among other things. If in the sad chance that it is a .iso file, use NERO, EZ-CD CREATOR, OR DISK JUGGLER (I recommend ez cd creator since this seems to be many releaser's choice) to burn the image by selecting an option something along the lines of "burn cd from a cd image." NOTE that you cannot test the integrity of an .iso file. If, however, you get a legitimate and quality release that is a bin file, you must a.) burn at your own risk without testing the integrity of the .bin (Intel binary file) using binchunker v1.6 or b.)test the bin (DATA ONLY) and burn happily (no pun intended :P)
9.) Now you must make sure the cue sheet is in proper order for burning.
here's an example of a BAD CUE SHEET.
...from Scooby.Doo.The.Mystery.Of.The.Fun.Park.Phantom-FLT...
FILE "c:\my documents\my porno section\because I am\a\pervert\SCBYDOO.BIN" BINARY
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00
PREGAP 00:01:74
INDEX 01 52:32:10
INDEX 00 53:59:45
INDEX 01 54:01:45
INDEX 00 55:31:42
INDEX 01 55:33:42
INDEX 00 56:24:23
INDEX 01 56:26:23
INDEX 00 57:24:22
INDEX 01 57:26:22
INDEX 00 59:19:45
INDEX 01 59:21:45
INDEX 00 61:19:44
INDEX 01 61:21:44
INDEX 00 63:15:67
INDEX 01 63:17:67
INDEX 00 65:16:58
INDEX 01 65:18:58
--->>> Notice the path c:\my documents\my porno section\because I am\a\pervert\SCBYDOO.BIN" BINARY. This is totally fuxx0red. Take out the path so it ONLY reads "SCBYDOO.BIN"; the filename in the quotation marks should only be the name of the .bin file (commonly, but not always, the same name as the cue sheet file; .cue).
Here's a GOOD cue sheet, properly edited.
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00
PREGAP 00:01:74
INDEX 01 52:32:10
INDEX 00 53:59:45
INDEX 01 54:01:45
INDEX 00 55:31:42
INDEX 01 55:33:42
INDEX 00 56:24:23
INDEX 01 56:26:23
INDEX 00 57:24:22
INDEX 01 57:26:22
INDEX 00 59:19:45
INDEX 01 59:21:45
INDEX 00 61:19:44
INDEX 01 61:21:44
INDEX 00 63:15:67
INDEX 01 63:17:67
INDEX 00 65:16:58
INDEX 01 65:18:58
--->>> You can opt to take out the quotation marks or leave them in; it's entirely your decision.
NOTE: more responsible releasers will do this part FOR YOU. So you may be able to skip this step.
10.) After completion of this step you can either test the integrity of the data ONLY or skip this and burn ASAP.
10a.) To burn ASAP load up CDRWIN or FIREBURNER. In CDRWIN, click the upper left box (record disc). Then go to load cuesheet, find where you unrar/decompresed the original disks/rars (location of xxx.cue file), and open it. Once the cue sheet is loaded CDRWIN will give pertinent information regarding the cd image. Information like cdimage size in minutes, seconds, and frames and number of tracks. NOTE: if the cd image size is over 74:00:00 (minutes:seconds:frames) then you must use an 80minute cd and/or have a cdr capable of burning more than 74minutes (overburning/oversizing a disk). Then hit the START RECORDING button. While a cd is burning do not run any other programs in risk of a buffer underrun. However, this problem is not serious when you have a P2-300+ and more than 64 MEGS of PC100 SDRAM. (I can burn at 8x, have winamp open, cuteftp, flashfxp, unrar something, etc and still be ok on a celeron 550, and 128 megs of SDRAM using a teac 8x SCSI).
11.) If you're nit picky and just can't stand having an impure cdimage, test the integrity of the xxx.bin file. To do this you need binchunker 1.6 (also available in the files section of DO NOT use binchunker 1.7 to test the data integrity of a bin file. On a lighter note, you can use 1.7 to convert to .wavs and .iso. Open up binchunker and select FILE->LOAD CUE. Find your ALREADY EDITED CUE SHEET from step 9 and open it. Once opened it will give information about the number of tracks, etc about that particular .bin file (some contain data, audio, or both. VCD's often contain TWO tracks. The only track of importance is TRACK2, which contains the AVI sequence <audio and video data read by a vcdplayer>). Select the appropriate track you want to test (often the first track is the data track on apps/game cd images); data for apps/game isos, TRACK2 for vcd images, and TRACK1/2 for PSX images. Lastly, go to FILE->SCAN FOR CORRUPTION option and wait for a few minutes until its completed. The status bar is directly adjacent to the SELECT ALL bottom. NOTE that you cannot test the integrity of an audio track. This is ONLY done by selecting the respective audio track and going to FILE->CONVERT, choosing .wav option, and saving that .wav as a file. Open the .wav file with any audio player (winamp or windows media player) and listen to the file. Unfortunately this is a very cumbersome process.
12.) Once binchunker has fully tested the integrity of the xxx.bin file, it will either say:
Scanning Track 1...
Calculated M1 EDC does not match EDC value in sector offset 127808
Calculated M1 ECC_P does not match ECC_P value in sector offset 127808
Calculated M1 ECC_Q does not match ECC_Q value in sector offset 127808
Header error detected in sector offset 127809
Calculated M1 EDC does not match EDC value in sector offset 127809
Calculated M1 ECC_P does not match ECC_P value in sector offset 127809
Calculated M1 ECC_Q does not match ECC_Q value in sector offset 127809
Header error detected in sector offset 127810
Calculated M1 EDC does not match EDC value in sector offset 127810
Calculated M1 ECC_P does not match ECC_P value in sector offset 127810
Calculated M1 ECC_Q does not match ECC_Q value in sector offset 127810
Header error detected in sector offset 127811
Calculated M1 EDC does not match EDC value in sector offset 127811
Calculated M1 ECC_P does not match ECC_P value in sector offset 127811
Calculated M1 ECC_Q does not match ECC_Q value in sector offset 127811
Header error detected in sector offset 127812
Calculated M1 EDC does not match EDC value in sector offset 127812
Calculated M1 ECC_P does not match ECC_P value in sector offset 127812
Calculated M1 ECC_Q does not match ECC_Q value in sector offset 127812
This bin contains errors.
(or some variation thereof)
Test passed.
This .bin is suitable for binchunking/burning.
(or some variation thereof)
If choice b.) is resultant then you file a GOOD bin! Conversely if choice a.) is resultant, then you're out of luck and you a.) have/had bad disks/rar and blatantly skipped the above steps in testing your disks with WINSFV or b.) the releaser made a bad bin. If you followed the above steps, you can satisfactorily say it was a bad release, otherwise its your problem
13.) If you tested your rars/disks and they came out 100% OK as well as the .bin file, then you are ready to burn your cd image; reap from your efforts :) Follow step 10a.) and burn the .cue/bin combo.
How To Use Divx:
1. install winrar
2. unrar divx311alpha <it works just like winzip>
3. install divx311alpha
4. try to play the movie again
5. if it doesnt work then.. reinstall windows media player with the .exe on the cd
6. try it again